By Kayode Bello.
For the past, today and tomorrow I bring to you a somewhat chronicle of events that negate the post by Prof. Olayinka Idowu, who is the incumbent Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan on improving the standard of education in Nigeria to the effect that he himself did not have such moral justification for posting it. If another had, maybe this rejoinder would have not have been necessary. Anyway there have been a number of issues I had wanted to relay but due to time, busy schedules having to hit the ground running on daily basis, this is coming this time. Kindly accept my apologies.
It is no news that there is an ongoing legal battle with the State and its agents and I am referring to my case against the Council of Legal Education controlled by the State. But at times the people deserve the kind of leaders they get. At this time in the Nigerian history, we deserve the kind of leaders we have and we would deserve such come 2019. The ball is in our court. The youths, the old, the young, the teens, including myself are in this ship called Nigeria but we have a Captain that is like the man in the Titanic movie that allowed the ship to hit the iceberg thereby wrecking the ship and leading to a catastrophic ending. Still in the Titanic analogy, some of us are the ones rescuing others while we do not care whether ours would end in the process. But a happy ending we envisage.
Before I proceed, I love to disabuse the minds of the majority as to the fact that my case is a personal one. My case is a reflection of the whole Nigerian state, I am just fighting legally on behalf of thousands and millions of Nigerians, and humanity.
Idowu Olayinka, being the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan would have contributed his own misfortune to the already badly managed Univerity of Ibadan, I opine. I developed a checklist, and the summation of such is that Olayinka Idowu should hide his head in shame for the following:
IN 2011, when Prof. Adewole Isaac was the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Prof. Olayinka Idowu was the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, and there was a protest or planned protest on the state of the University of Ibadan's welfare where no light, water for the students whereas examination was to be held in fact examination was ongoing that Prof. Olayinka sent two different messages to different set of people as conveyed by different authorities, that examinations would hold despite the state of no water,and light in the University of Ibadan and to others that examinations would not hold, this one to the Students' Union. Examinations were ongoing in the University of Ibadan as planned despite the fact that students were not all that prepared for examinations. Remember I stated no water, no light in the University of Ibadan of then. Fast backward, from now 2018 to 2011 that is seven years ago when Prof. Olayinka was the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic. That time, Prof. Adewole was not around. And there was somewhat threat of Boko Haram invasion of the University of Ibadan. He went to Uganda so we were told. In my view, Prof. Olayinka created commotion among and between the students union and the faculty and department authorities to the extent that protest broke out. Some students were writing examinations while others were not.
To be contd.
Next: Justice for Sale (A series).
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